Laying the
Foundation for All
Digital Commerce
If your organization operates online, Digital Identity matters to you. The ability to verify and authenticate users online is a fundamental necessity for doing business in the modern economy. CycurID's greatest advantage is our flexibility. By addressing foundational issues rather than building on outdated legacy systems, we provide better solutions for any company looking for a digital edge.

Same Issues, Different Sectors

Existing authentication methods, like passwords, are vulnerable to being breached. Authentication data is a security liability for digital businesses. Digital fraud and cybercrime are growing threats for businesses and consumers.
Last-gen authentication and verification methods require a customer to forfeit personal information. Private, personal information being online exposes businesses and consumers to cybercrime activity. New government regulations are aiming to reduce private information businesses can keep.
Last-gen KYC/AML checks are time-consuming, expensive, and cause customer abandonment. Consumers expect digital user experiences to be efficient and expedient, requiring streamlined authentication and onboarding platforms. Best practices for digital security are not viable on last-gen platforms for businesses or your customers.

The Big Problem
Existing solutions for verification, authentication and KYC/AML, simply don’t address the key issues facing modern digital organizations and so are simply not adequately serving your business’ need.
The CycurID Solution
All of these digital needs are connected by the same issue: you need to know who you’re doing business with, without seeing them face-to-face. By creating a comprehensive Digital Identity Management solution, CycurID enables your company to always know who you’re doing business with.
CycurID provides complete and comprehensive verification, authentication, KYC/AML, compliance, auditing, screening, KYT/KYA, and communication solutions for businesses.
No matter what industry you operate in, our Digital ID Managementplatform will help your business:
Our approach doesn't just give you the tools to amend the systems you already have. CycurID takes care of your core digital requirements for you, so you can focus on growing your business.
Get Digital Identity
Working For You